Foundation Repair and Plumbing Expertise

Serving Houston & Southeast Texas since 1994.

Vortex responds to every inspection request by sending out a Professional Engineer, a Master Plumber, and the owner of the company. Find out what our clients already know. We combine common sense with uncommon knowledge and experience to give you a second opinion first!

About Vortex

Think nobody wants to see your crack?

We do!

Mike Williams Plumber Extraordinaire

Mike Williams, owner and founder of Vortex Technologies, Inc., earned Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Civil Engineering with course work concentrating on the design, behavior and performance of building structures and their foundations.

Meet Mike Williams

Costly foundation repairs often do more harm than good. That’s why in 1996 The Wall Street Journal published an article quoting an engineer as saying that seventy percent of the money Texans spend on foundation repair is wasted.

About Foundation Repairs